who: So, what happened to Gellouch?(#最後の言葉がわからんorz)
who: Is he ok?(彼は大丈夫なの?)
who: Don't know.(知らない)
who: You don't know?(知らないって?)
who: You really don't know?(ホントに知らないの?)
who: This thing is between the both of us.(これは我々二人の間の問題だ)
who: We do as he says and we get payed.(あいつの言うようにすれば報酬がもらえる)
who: And when it's done we get a bonus.(そして全部終わったらボーナスが来る)
who: That's how it works.(そういう仕組みだ)
who: You guys mercenaries or something?(お前達は傭兵か何かなの?)
who: Something close to that I guess.(まぁそんなもんだな)
gir: They're coming.(奴らが来る)
who: I can see that too.(俺にも見えるぞ)
who: How long till we get to that hotel? (ホテルには後どれくらいだ?)
who: Ten minutes.(十分)