本帖被 sakuraahn 执行锁定操作(2012-07-07)
1:You can now take videos in 1080p. 同ip4s
2: An iSight camera. The iSight camera has the optical system of the iPhone 4S, 5 megapixel camera, 5-element lens. 同ip4s?
3: Schiller reveals it's running on an A5X chip with quad-core graphics. The new iPad has 44% better color saturation than the iPad 2's display. 四核,性能高了点~44%
4:2,048 x 1,536 resolution. Over 3.1 million pixels 高像素分辨率,这个还算不错~
6: 4G LTE 这个有点意思。
7: personal hotspot
8: 闲扯~报报喜讯balabala~~