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引用 最初由 钢琴男 发布= =火箭还是没动静啊……
引用 关于骑士给罗瑞开4年2400万的合同,休斯顿的clutchfans也是炸开了锅了。我找了一些给大家看看ASidd_1990:What the? Morey get off your ass and match it promptly!这位仁兄说出是所有火箭球迷都共有的一个想法,即决不能失去罗瑞。GreatOne1978:I wouldn't match it. Bye Kyle下面立马就有人送罗瑞走了,原因在后面。Juxtaposed Jolt:Wow, this isn't good .He is the complete leader of the second unit.绝望的球迷们点出了罗瑞为何不能走的愿意,因为他才是第二阵容的领袖。Luckyazn:damn $6mil per what's next Nets offer Scola $9mil per ?但是所有火箭球迷担忧的一点是,如果匹配了这个罗瑞的合同,那斯科拉要签多少呢,900万一年?GreatOne1978:6 mil for 4 years on a backup PG? I'd let him go. Thats a massive contract理智的球迷告诉我们,4年2400万对于一个替补后卫来说也太高了。ASidd_1990: Now it's time to see if Morey will live up to his word and match any offer for both Scola and Lowry. He can talk the talk, but will he walk the walk?球迷开始高喊:关门,放莫雷!当初他说不惜一切代价会搞定这俩球员,现在是他说到做到的时候了!Shaud: Wonder if Dan Gilbert wrote Kyle Lowry a letterYou. know he is going to edit it.球迷们开始调戏骑士老板吉尔伯特,说不定他也给罗瑞写了一封信?Juxtaposed Jolt:"Kyle Lowry's Cavs will win a title before self-proclaimed King," or something along those lines说不定下赛季吉尔伯特会把他的口号改成“凯尔罗瑞的骑士队会比自称是国王的那个家伙先赢得总冠军!”daywalker02: good PGs are rare that we don't seem to get them.damn it and good thats not my money. Depends on Alexander now I guess. wow damn it Cleveland.What do you try to accomplish after your hot and rich GF left you.球迷们普遍的第一想法就是真操蛋,这纱布的骑士为何会盯上我们。一个刚刚失去性感又有钱的初恋的苦逼一定会干出点傻事,但是他却找上了我们!Blake:I LOVE Lowry's game and we do need him, but $6mm per is a lot of money.Damn.所有同志的心声:我很需要罗瑞,但是太贵啦!(看来全世界的火箭球迷都锱铢必较)BimaThug:Just . . . damn.If it's true and it's 4 yrs./$24M, then that puts the first year salary at about $5.37M.I just don't know if that isn't too rich for the Rockets' blood.I guess Kyle thinks that the Cavs will move Mo Williams to SG and start him at PG?Even crappier, if he already signed the offer sheet, the Rockets can't even salvage a ~$2.7M trade exception out of this.Clutchfans中巨悲观的情绪正在扩散。这位大拿分析的好。“如果4年2400万的话,第一年就要537万,火箭真的有那么多钱么?我猜罗瑞一定想骑士会把莫威廉姆斯挪去得分后卫的位置?更操蛋的是如果罗瑞已经签了报价单的话,火箭从中都抢救不出一个270万的交易特例来。”Egghead:Lowry would be making more money backing up Brooks!更加严峻的事实在眼前:我们的主力控卫挣的钱还不如我们的替补控卫!(因为布鲁克斯还在新秀合同里)Sbyang:Sign and trade for Delonte West, hide your moms fast.这个贴里唯一不正经的家伙说了一句:我们可以签约德隆特【我睡了勒布朗他妈】韦斯特,当然要先把咱的妈妈们藏起来。Rimrocker:I might add that if you match this for Lowry, it also sends a message to other teams regarding Scola.所有火箭球迷的心声:必须匹配了罗瑞的合同,这样就没人敢勾搭我们的斯科拉了!Davestrate:I say let him go...and go out and get jeremy Lin to be out backup point guard behind brooks (and no im not asian). I can see cleveland even showing interest in some of our other players. We should get a sign™ going with them (cannibalising) and pry away antawn jamison.有一位可能出身哈佛的不是华裔的家伙提出我们不如把罗瑞放了把林书豪搞进来当替补控卫好了,另外我们再做个交易把贾米森搞进来。(这位兄弟打算下赛季让贾米森和姚明打内线……) 当然后面还有人说我们把布鲁克斯卖了让罗瑞当先发算了。还有人提议签了罗瑞然后拿去换保罗呗。还有人说我们的西班牙小伙子鲁尔为何不能进来当替补? 我觉得最合理的情况还是先续约了罗瑞,并且稳定这一对后卫配置,直到等布鲁克斯需要续约的时候再改变现在的后卫配置。