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【HiME Union】舞-乙HiME第17话集中讨论贴!

级别: 圣骑士
只看该作者 495楼 发表于: 2006-02-04
最初由 DQCAT 发布


级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 496楼 发表于: 2006-02-04
最初由 DQCAT 发布



掌聲終於停歇, 寂靜隨之來臨, 所有人的視線都停駐在我和里香身上, 輪到我們的演出了。
然後, 我說出這句打從心底湧現的話語:
是的, 我唸出這句魔法之語。
里香低下頭, 有好一會兒動也不動, 從我這邊看過去只能看到她的面紗, 里香現在是甚麼表情呢?

歡迎參觀! 個人珍藏(09/11/15更新)[\color] 123
级别: 骑士
只看该作者 497楼 发表于: 2006-02-04

级别: 精灵王
只看该作者 498楼 发表于: 2006-02-04
最初由 DQCAT 发布


级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 499楼 发表于: 2006-02-04
最初由 bico_cn 发布



级别: 新手上路
只看该作者 500楼 发表于: 2006-02-04
Erstin 的死十分郁闷 ,
应该没有多少个同学會讨厭 Erstin 吧 ,
怪sunrise要她非死不可 .

Have a nice day .
级别: 新手上路
只看该作者 501楼 发表于: 2006-02-04
After watching epi 17, I came to the realization that, perhaps My-Otome is going to suck, HARD! I mean this has got to be the worst episode ever. I can't believe there are so many inconsistencies in the episode that I question the intelligence of all the characters in the show and the writers. It's rediculus.

First of all, what was the point for Smith nuking the arena? To kill the queen? Then why did they try to capture her later on? If their goal were to kill the queen then they could've fire before the curtain was lifted. If their goal were to capture the queen then send in the slaves. Has anyone heard of using a nuke to catch someone? Instead, Smith waste the first shot on the dock, so I thought he was trying to keep the queen in, but then he fired on the queen? WTF? Or should I assume that Smith is pyschic and he knew the blast will just kill a bunch of spectators and a crap load of Coral and pearl otomes but spare Mashiro?

Then in the sewer scene we see Sergay saved Arika with his gun. That has got to be the most overdone cliche ever in the history of mankind. Got I hate that crap. What worst is that the Shwartz followers didn't even try to activate their slaves before they were kill. Well if you say that scene was only to show how commited Sergay in saving Arika even if it meant he was betraying Altai, there would still be problem later on, BIG PROBLEM I might add.

Then we have the mofos from Aswads. I used to think they were cool, but now I must say they are fools. Ok, let's see what they did, they walked through the freaking front door. Ok so like they were badarse and were trying to do a final showdown with Garderobe. So they were gonna risk everything in this mission to get whatever they have to get cuz their people could not wait any longer. So WHY THE HELL DID THEY RETREAT WHEN THEY HAVE THE FREAKING HIGHER F__KING GROUND!!!??? (SERIOUSLY EVEN A 5 YEARS CHILD WOULD REALISE THAT). The Principal and her secretery were basically just a principal and secretery instead of Magneto and Onslaugh. BTW send the corals to protect the school instead of the pearls, nice going there, Natsuki.

So you say they retreat because they have to protect some sacred temple? Why send all 5 guys? They could've left Gal there and she would make Shiz-Nats into Shiz-Nats sandwich. If they were to risk everything for this battle as evidence in epi 16 then it made no sense for them to retreat. I guess you can say Youko were there and they were best buds before. Well both Midori and Rado brushed her off thinking she was a traitor. And even if they still harbored some feeling for her, hell, have Gal knock her out cool and put her in some save places to chill! Why retreat?

If you say it was because Shwartz's slaves were everywhere it made even less sense. They saw the slavess attacking Windbloom, so they should be aware of them and would not be surprised by them. The fact that Nagi practically told Midori the god damn plot and the fact that they walked through the flont door showed (to me at least) that Midori had considered all of these factors in her decision. Unless of course Midori was a bigger air head then Mashiro and Arika combined. That she knew about the slaves threat and still attacked the full strenght pillars head on instead of waiting in shadow for the best opportunity to strike. Their actions just baffle my mind.

If I were Midori I'll send 2 of my worse guys to storm in the grave of Shinso and ninja loot the place while me and my other 2 lietenants would run back to protect whatever I feel the Shwartz anti otome machine would be threatening. Since Youko already told me what to expect I could savely ignore the virgins. To storm in the place like it were the last battle then wimped out after coming this far and when your biggest obsticle were a couple of old virgins who can't get any was just ...arrrrrrggggghhhhhhh

The last scene was the most rediculus. First of all Smith's machine gun was retarded, at least used some real bullets even if you were going to A-team the scene (meaning shooting at ground). That's after you had no quirm of nuking Arika before BTW. Then Sergay seemed to have forgot about his freaking gun. God damn that was stupid. I meant air heads like Arika and Mashiro probably suck at thinking but Sergay was a season military officers. If you saw Erns about to summon a slave SHOOT HER!!!! Shoot the crystal if you didn't want to kill her (don't forget Sergay has 300% in small gun skills). I am sure he could make it.

Actually if you look at the situation Sergay was at a great advantage. He had so many options it was not even funny. First he could use Arika as a shield and took pot shots at Smith, who mysteriosly did not bring any one to escort him. Better yet, sic Arika on Smith as soon as possible and did not let Smith talk. Second, when you see Erns summoning a slave shoot her instead. sure if you fucked up and killed Erns Arika would hate you, might even kill you but I am sure Sergay can calculate that Erns is going to die anyway or Arika and Mashiro will die or capture knowing how Arika's think from all those letter he read. Or risk it and shoot Erns in the leg to limit the slave movement after Smith for whatever reason explain the freaking weakness of the slave. This would prevent Erns from hurting mashiro for a short time. At the same time tell Arika to capture Smith so they can pressure Smith to stop Erns. If Arika would not listen show her the freaking handkerchef and say I am your uncle. Smith is probably the type who value his life and will call off the attack to buy some time.

And If this plan was too daring because there was a high chance Arika would not go along there would still be the option to run away. Don't forget Arika could fly and if a meister Otome like Haruka could throw a massive spaceship into orbit, there was no reason Arika could not carry 3 people and a cat. Erns couldn't chase them cuz her slave couldn't fly and Smith's bike could only hover.

Anyway, I see that my plan can go horribly wrong too, but my point is not if they can successfully escape. In fact I think Erns is gonna die anyway but I am piss at the fact that the writer did not try to make their characters at least try to reasonably resist in a logical manner. Sergay really dropped the ball here and to think he managed to escape Ketos I thouht he would at least have great spontaneous decision making skills. Especially when he had so many options. No, he had to pull yet another stupid cliche by blocking the slave attack with his body. What the F__king gay hell is that? He would be sliced in half much faster then the robe activated Arika would. If he could move that fast go beat up Smith or something. Sergay should've just die there so that Nina really had an excuse to take out Erns, and then Arika would have an excuse to take out Nina, then to find the blood soak handkerchef from Sergay body. That would be awesome.

Anyway, Erns was a poor girl but I just don't feel too much sadness out of her death after I have to sit through all the rediculus plots beforehand. Even if I ignore the bugs I just find the pacing of the battle and the death scene to be not very engaging. I almost felt less sad when Haruka went green sparkle. And I didn't buy Erns reasoning, I think she was just nuts like those suicide bombers. Of course not to mention she pulled a Sergay at the end just turn me off. Why do they insisted on taking the bullet for Superman? Superman would hurt the bullet more than the bullet hurt Sergay and Ernstin! Come on Sunrise, don't GSD My Otome for me please.

Despite all that I gave the episode a 7 instead of a 1 because of the preview, because that just comedy gold ehheheeh.

P.S. so many reuse graphics in this episode, I hope that's not something I have to put up with in the remainder of the series.

P.S. the music in this episode blew.

Why can't I dispense C1 drug? Arrgghh
级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 502楼 发表于: 2006-02-04
最初由 zhuyuzlf 发布


说不定过些日子就出来了[/KH] [/KH]


级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 503楼 发表于: 2006-02-04
最初由 pharmacist 发布
After watching epi 17, I came to the realization that, perhaps My-Otome is going to suck, HARD! I mean this has got to be the worst episode ever. I can't believe there are so many inconsistencies in the episode that I question the intelligence of all the characters in the show and the writers. It's rediculus.

First of all, what was the point for Smith nuking the arena? To kill the queen? Then why did they try to capture her later on? If their goal were to kill the queen then they could've fire before the curtain was lifted. If their goal were to capture the queen then send in the slaves. Has anyone heard of using a nuke to catch someone? Instead, Smith waste the first shot on the dock, so I thought he was trying to keep the queen in, but then he fired on the queen? WTF? Or should I assume that Smith is pyschic and he knew the blast will just kill a bunch of spectators and a crap load of Coral and pearl otomes but spare Mashiro?

Then in the sewer scene we see Sergay saved Arika with his gun. That has got to be the most overdone cliche ever in the history of mankind. Got I hate that crap. What worst is that the Shwartz followers didn't even try to activate their slaves before they were kill. Well if you say that scene was only to show how commited Sergay in saving Arika even if it meant he was betraying Altai, there would still be problem later on, BIG PROBLEM I might add.

Then we have the mofos from Aswads. I used to think they were cool, but now I must say they are fools. Ok, let's see what they did, they walked through the freaking front door. Ok so like they were badarse and were trying to do a final showdown with Garderobe. So they were gonna risk everything in this mission to get whatever they have to get cuz their people could not wait any longer. So WHY THE HELL DID THEY RETREAT WHEN THEY HAVE THE FREAKING HIGHER F__KING GROUND!!!??? (SERIOUSLY EVEN A 5 YEARS CHILD WOULD REALISE THAT). The Principal and her secretery were basically just a principal and secretery instead of Magneto and Onslaugh. BTW send the corals to protect the school instead of the pearls, nice going there, Natsuki.

So you say they retreat because they have to protect some sacred temple? Why send all 5 guys? They could've left Gal there and she would make Shiz-Nats into Shiz-Nats sandwich. If they were to risk everything for this battle as evidence in epi 16 then it made no sense for them to retreat. I guess you can say Youko were there and they were best buds before. Well both Midori and Rado brushed her off thinking she was a traitor. And even if they still harbored some feeling for her, hell, have Gal knock her out cool and put her in some save places to chill! Why retreat?

If you say it was because Shwartz's slaves were everywhere it made even less sense. They saw the slavess attacking Windbloom, so they should be aware of them and would not be surprised by them. The fact that Nagi practically told Midori the god damn plot and the fact that they walked through the flont door showed (to me at least) that Midori had considered all of these factors in her decision. Unless of course Midori was a bigger air head then Mashiro and Arika combined. That she knew about the slaves threat and still attacked the full strenght pillars head on instead of waiting in shadow for the best opportunity to strike. Their actions just baffle my mind.

If I were Midori I'll send 2 of my worse guys to storm in the grave of Shinso and ninja loot the place while me and my other 2 lietenants would run back to protect whatever I feel the Shwartz anti otome machine would be threatening. Since Youko already told me what to expect I could savely ignore the virgins. To storm in the place like it were the last battle then wimped out after coming this far and when your biggest obsticle were a couple of old virgins who can't get any was just ...arrrrrrggggghhhhhhh

The last scene was the most rediculus. First of all Smith's machine gun was retarded, at least used some real bullets even if you were going to A-team the scene (meaning shooting at ground). That's after you had no quirm of nuking Arika before BTW. Then Sergay seemed to have forgot about his freaking gun. God damn that was stupid. I meant air heads like Arika and Mashiro probably suck at thinking but Sergay was a season military officers. If you saw Erns about to summon a slave SHOOT HER!!!! Shoot the crystal if you didn't want to kill her (don't forget Sergay has 300% in small gun skills). I am sure he could make it.

Actually if you look at the situation Sergay was at a great advantage. He had so many options it was not even funny. First he could use Arika as a shield and took pot shots at Smith, who mysteriosly did not bring any one to escort him. Better yet, sic Arika on Smith as soon as possible and did not let Smith talk. Second, when you see Erns summoning a slave shoot her instead. sure if you fucked up and killed Erns Arika would hate you, might even kill you but I am sure Sergay can calculate that Erns is going to die anyway or Arika and Mashiro will die or capture knowing how Arika's think from all those letter he read. Or risk it and shoot Erns in the leg to limit the slave movement after Smith for whatever reason explain the freaking weakness of the slave. This would prevent Erns from hurting mashiro for a short time. At the same time tell Arika to capture Smith so they can pressure Smith to stop Erns. If Arika would not listen show her the freaking handkerchef and say I am your uncle. Smith is probably the type who value his life and will call off the attack to buy some time.

And If this plan was too daring because there was a high chance Arika would not go along there would still be the option to run away. Don't forget Arika could fly and if a meister Otome like Haruka could throw a massive spaceship into orbit, there was no reason Arika could not carry 3 people and a cat. Erns couldn't chase them cuz her slave couldn't fly and Smith's bike could only hover.

Anyway, I see that my plan can go horribly wrong too, but my point is not if they can successfully escape. In fact I think Erns is gonna die anyway but I am piss at the fact that the writer did not try to make their characters at least try to reasonably resist in a logical manner. Sergay really dropped the ball here and to think he managed to escape Ketos I thouht he would at least have great spontaneous decision making skills. Especially when he had so many options. No, he had to pull yet another stupid cliche by blocking the slave attack with his body. What the F__king gay hell is that? He would be sliced in half much faster then the robe activated Arika would. If he could move that fast go beat up Smith or something. Sergay should've just die there so that Nina really had an excuse to take out Erns, and then Arika would have an excuse to take out Nina, then to find the blood soak handkerchef from Sergay body. That would be awesome.

Anyway, Erns was a poor girl but I just don't feel too much sadness out of her death after I have to sit through all the rediculus plots beforehand. Even if I ignore the bugs I just find the pacing of the battle and the death scene to be not very engaging. I almost felt less sad when Haruka went green sparkle. And I didn't buy Erns reasoning, I think she was just nuts like those suicide bombers. Of course not to mention she pulled a Sergay at the end just turn me off. Why do they insisted on taking the bullet for Superman? Superman would hurt the bullet more than the bullet hurt Sergay and Ernstin! Come on Sunrise, don't GSD My Otome for me please.

Despite all that I gave the episode a 7 instead of a 1 because of the preview, because that just comedy gold ehheheeh.

P.S. so many reuse graphics in this episode, I hope that's not something I have to put up with in the remainder of the series.

P.S. the music in this episode blew.

1.開槍打競技場可能只是示威而已, 而且真白死了對史密斯來說問題不大......史密斯最想得到的應該只是蘿白學院的科技
3.黃毛未到結局仍有主角威能保護...........不過SLAVE一刀砍下連血都沒一滴, 這主角威能也真扯........

掌聲終於停歇, 寂靜隨之來臨, 所有人的視線都停駐在我和里香身上, 輪到我們的演出了。
然後, 我說出這句打從心底湧現的話語:
是的, 我唸出這句魔法之語。
里香低下頭, 有好一會兒動也不動, 從我這邊看過去只能看到她的面紗, 里香現在是甚麼表情呢?

歡迎參觀! 個人珍藏(09/11/15更新)[\color] 123
级别: 新手上路
只看该作者 504楼 发表于: 2006-02-04
1. I doubt it though, since Smith knew the Harmonium require 3 things, and he might know that Mashiro (or the queen) is somehow tie to these things. But it just seem strange to hit the arena at all if they did care about Mashiro. After all, every one of those Shwarz agents were looking for Mashiro.

2. My point is to point out the fact that Sunrise allow characters to talk so long during battle yet Sergay missed all the chance to avert the situation. Instead he try to block the slave attacks with his carbon body. Did he fancy himself to be Henrietta with carbon fiber armor? Shooting Ernstin is just more efficient and fit Sergay military background in my opinion. I just hate the fact that he just stand there and did nothing.

3. Main character power...that's just too bad ehehhe still he didn't act like a main character that were force to a corner by circumstance, he was forcing himself into a corner by his inaction. I just think Sunrise can handle those scene better.

Don't get me wrong, I like Mai Otome. That's why I am disappointed when the plot start to stink like that.

Why can't I dispense C1 drug? Arrgghh
级别: 骑士
只看该作者 505楼 发表于: 2006-02-04
= =很不爽....Otome越来越不好看了....画面不够华丽阿....剧情从Arika喜欢上大叔起就不好看了....
= =....总之很不爽.....Hime那时虽然看了也很生气....但是那种生气是可以理解的.....但是觉得Otome越来越....啦|||可怜的95阿....好不容易穿了圣袍......可连Show的机会也米有T^T
级别: 新手上路
只看该作者 506楼 发表于: 2006-02-04

级别: 圣骑士
只看该作者 507楼 发表于: 2006-02-04
最初由 pharmacist 发布
1. I doubt it though, since Smith knew the Harmonium require 3 things, and he might know that Mashiro (or the queen) is somehow tie to these things. But it just seem strange to hit the arena at all if they did care about Mashiro. After all, every one of those Shwarz agents were looking for Mashiro.

2. My point is to point out the fact that Sunrise allow characters to talk so long during battle yet Sergay missed all the chance to avert the situation. Instead he try to block the slave attacks with his carbon body. Did he fancy himself to be Henrietta with carbon fiber armor? Shooting Ernstin is just more efficient and fit Sergay military background in my opinion. I just hate the fact that he just stand there and did nothing.

3. Main character power...that's just too bad ehehhe still he didn't act like a main character that were force to a corner by circumstance, he was forcing himself into a corner by his inaction. I just think Sunrise can handle those scene better.

Don't get me wrong, I like Mai Otome. That's why I am disappointed when the plot start to stink like that.

Sir, are you Chinese?[/han]

级别: 骑士
只看该作者 508楼 发表于: 2006-02-04
最初由 wasforever 发布

Sir, are you Chinese?[/han]

级别: 圣骑士
只看该作者 509楼 发表于: 2006-02-04
最初由 yz雯雯 发布




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