OTL 你們離題太遠了, 回到正題吧 =.=+
最初由 pharmacist 发布
Sergay really sucks, sending Nina to Nagi then betray him with Arika. Although I think he also did that with Nina's safety in mind. If he betrays Nagi with Nina then Nina would be in harm's way. I guess Sergay never expect Nina to pull a meister robe out of nowhere.
The whole epi 17 just don't work for me. I did not feel for anyone in this episode. I guess I just have to accept the facts that crap happened, yet "train wreck" it ain't (meaning boring).
I just hope Natsuki will carry the show in epi 18 with her funny antics eheheh
sergay貌似沒甚麼錯吧? 他說得很清楚了....
由以前開始, 養育nina就是為了nagi...
他喜歡了arika也沒辦法吧, 他早就不滿nagi了~
那夥漆黑的金剛石誰也沒想到會突然走出來, 連smith都看傻了眼...
我倒是很喜歡這一話, 因為完全不知道接下來會怎樣(夠刺激vv)
BUG甚麼的就不要太在意了, 看動畫就是娛樂自己的~
natsuki的hetare.....真的這麼多人期待嗎? (雖然我也很期待XD)
另...你真的不能打中文嗎? 這樣就算想討論也難啊....orz