从最近一次访谈中weta领头人Richard Taylor的所说:
Taylor: "I've just been to Japan pursuing this, [...] I think that is the great untold story to the world. It is sublime. It is arguably some of the most beautiful and poignant animation ever created, and a huge percentage of the pop culture world now know it, but only through a live-action feature film will it transcend that and receive the recognition for the art piece that it is."
"Now, actually achieving it as a live-action feature film is extremely difficult to imagine. Technologically, sure, it's doable. But at an esoteric, universe level, it is an unbelievably impacting and dramatic story concept. [It's got] pseudo-religious overtones, and all these wonderful motifs are woven into it. It's something that you can generate over 26 hours of animation, but trying to encapsulate that down into a feature film would be a massive challenge. But … with the right director, I think it could be a very beautiful movie. …And that's my big pursuit at the moment. I've put an awful lot of energy into it."