Originally posted by Parn on - 11:27 PM I just finished ripping the Phantasy Star Online Episode III OST, which had copy protection. It would keep popping up with something called "Player" to play some music, which was irritating, and Exact Audio Copy would show nothing but 9 second tracks and mention it being protected.
PCs read data before audio, and these copy protected CDs have two sessions, audio in the inner section going outward, followed by a second session of data containing the copy protection crap. Take a black Sharpie marker (yes, I'm serious) and color over the second session and outward. You can clearly see where the division is at... color over the dividing line and outward. It's like a coloring book in grade school... don't go past the line. When finished, you should have a CD with a half-inch black border all the way around the outer edge. Voila, your PC now reads it as a standard audio CD. Fuck copy protection up the ass with a cactus.
It sucks that we have to do this, but we paid for the God damned discs, and if we want to MP3 them, that's out right to do so, protection schemes be damned.
Be advised, I am not responsible for any damages incurred by the above method. I am just stating my success story, and your results may vary. Make sure you know which copy protection method is being used on your disc before you jump ahead. Research and Google is your friend, and you have the entire world wide web at your disposal.