…… Cloning offers the ultimate in self-preservation, a chance to pass our "stuff" - that is genetically identical copies of out own bodies - down the line for generations upon generations... theoretically forever.
But therein lies the rub. Just because two bodies are genetically identical doesn't mean they house the same individual. At minimum, the evolution of out personalities is infuenced by the time and changing circumstances of unique life experiences. That's a big part of what makes us individual. But Rau le Creuset wasn't given the chance to have formative experiences. As a clone of Mu La Flaga's father Al Da Flaga, his genome was purposely altered to force him to age at an accelerated rate in order to catch up to Mu in age and eventually replace Mu as Da Flaga's son. For Rau, that meant being deprived of time to accumulate the normal grouth experiences and lasting memories that we all take for granted.
本期nt除了继续抄seed, fma的冷饭外,总算也有些真正的新番,有英国恋Emma,damekko dobutsu 等等 ,雪风的少女版也有个版面。