无安全问题 我爸爸的出生地 我妈妈的出生地 我的小学校名 我的中学校名 我最喜欢的运动 我最喜欢的歌曲 我最喜欢的电影 我最喜欢的颜色 自定义问题
引用 最初由 无此ID 发布听说漫画后面变成 她和法拉的人魔恋。。。。俗啊~那简直太垃圾了~幸好没看!
引用 最初由 fifman 发布消极是不错,可剧情不干瘦呀。feel,feel大于一切!另:动画才是王道!
引用 最初由 mishiyouyu 发布偶一直想说FEEL是动词啊,FEELING才队吧= =b恒野先生不愧是插画的分镜做的真不怎么样,故事偶向来看的浑浑噩噩,只记得帅哥美女白皙的脖子去了= =b美感才是王道!
引用 feel Audio pronunciation of "feel" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fl)v. felt, (flt) feel·ing, feelsv. tr. 1. 1. To perceive through the sense of touch: feel the velvety smoothness of a peach. 2. To perceive as a physical sensation: feel a sharp pain; feel the cold. 2. 1. To touch. 2. To examine by touching. See Synonyms at touch. 3. To test or explore with caution: feel one's way in a new job. 4. 1. To undergo the experience of: felt my interest rising; felt great joy. 2. To be aware of; sense: felt the anger of the crowd. 3. To be emotionally affected by: She still feels the loss of her dog. 5. 1. To be persuaded of (something) on the basis of intuition, emotion, or other indefinite grounds: I feel that what the informant says may well be true. 2. To believe; think: She felt his answer to be evasive.v. intr. 1. To experience sensations of touch. 2. 1. To produce a particular sensation, especially through the sense of touch: The sheets felt smooth. 2. To produce a particular impression; appear to be; seem: It feels good to be home. See Usage Note at well2. 3. To be conscious of a specified kind or quality of physical, mental, or emotional state: felt warm and content; feels strongly about the election. 4. To seek or explore something by the sense of touch: felt for the light switch in the dark. 5. To have compassion or sympathy: I feel for him in his troubles.n. 1. Perception by or as if by touch; sensation: a feel of autumn in the air. 2. The sense of touch: a surface that is rough to the feel. 3. 1. An act or instance of touching or feeling. 2. Vulgar. An act or instance of sexual touching or fondling. 4. The nature or quality of something as perceived by or as if by the sense of touch: “power steering that seems overassisted, eliminating road feel” (Mark Ginsburg). 5. Overall impression or effect; atmosphere: “gives such disparate pictures... a crazily convincing documentary feel” (Stephen King). 6. Intuitive awareness or natural ability: has a feel for decorating.
引用 最初由 iliiad 发布人……人魔恋?这两个家伙中有哪一个是人?:eek: :p 冷羽的FEEL最高啊……:cool:
引用 最初由 fifman 发布完全无视冷羽,美夕最高!清冷却又娇艳,沉静却又热情。最高呀最高!
引用 最初由 blueshadows 发布我没说FEEL干瘦,但剧情,有时候一句话就能说明白。说来说去就那点东西,只靠那点少女情怀,总觉得有一点浅。如果被美夕画得相貌很平凡,那几乎就没东西了。如果拿人鱼比的话。虽然唯美感觉差一点,但我个人感觉人鱼更有意思。好像这么比不太客观,因为个人很喜欢人鱼。