Re: RESULTS: 2010 Elimination 8
Postby CrimsonFallingStar » Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:29 am
So, I meant to bring this up earlier, but before we see the results, let's talk about something curious.
This year, every character who made the finals got a new animated avatar, showing a snippet of each character's mannerisms. After the progress of the tournament thus far, we're left with only two girls who have yet to lose after the new avatars went into effect. Both of the undefeated girls were also the only two avatars to have bright flashes within the animation loop.
Yeah, Mikoto and Mio are popular... but let's be objective for a sec: have our eyes been drawn to the flashy lights?
It might sound silly, but seriously, think about it for a sec. It's how TV works, how commercials draw you in, it's the reason Gurren Lagann was effing awesome. Is it also a contribution to the success of Mikoto and Mio? It could just be coincidence, but both Mikoto's and Mio's avatars we by far the most attention-grabbing of the 16, not because the characters are cute, but because there's flashy stage lighting, and a white thunderbolt. I would wager that it was a subconscious contribution.