无安全问题 我爸爸的出生地 我妈妈的出生地 我的小学校名 我的中学校名 我最喜欢的运动 我最喜欢的歌曲 我最喜欢的电影 我最喜欢的颜色 自定义问题
引用 最初由 雨过天晴 发布可是……那是要花钱的 orz|||@LizJJI'll be free after the 25th (except the 28th, Dir en grey concert XDD), or next weekenddowntown sounds fun! I've never really stopped at downtown to look around >< There were two 168s... I went to the smaller one without knowing there's another larger one on the other side >__< guess I shouldn've taken a closer look at the map... orz.... but if u went to the other one, u should have seen Ming =[]= |||anyhow, where could ur phone possibly be??? hope u find it soon ;_;
引用 最初由 MlNGO 发布剛纔凌晨4點10分, 聽見附近啪 啪 啪 三聲類似爆破的聲音.. 很像槍聲 可惜以前沒真的聽過槍擊聲不確定, 所以不報警了, 看明天會出什麼事情... 但向]想想又想不出其他什麼東西會產生3聲連續的爆破聲..
引用 最初由 Lizard 发布really? im going to the concert too:cool: maybe i will see u that day then as for the teashop, i didn't see anyone sitting inside[/KH] lol there is a unfounded murder case