nice post, but need to point out some translation errors ^^
1.起诉方声称“处死机器是主人的权利”<----the owner's right to destroy property,财产所有人对所拥有的物体有处置权, 但前提是所处置的物体本身没有意识,就像被堕胎的九个星期的人类胚胎没有意识,而之后的胚胎如果被用做其他用途就会牵涉到伦理上的纠纷.所以这指的并不是处死机器而是讨论人类是否可以随意处置机器.虽然人类并不承认机器有意识,但出于恐惧,下令销毁所有的机器人(不是只是这种型号)以免同样的逻辑错误会传给其同类或下一代
2.活下来的机器们被放逐在远离人类的荒芜土地<---in the cradle
of human civilization....人类文明的起源地同时也是机器文明的起源地了
3. Matrix在协议中产生了<-----不是协议,We demand it.是单方面的命令,协议是一种双方通过谈判后产生的对双方有约束力的东西,谈判双方的地位是平等的,只是话语权大小不一
4.《第二次文艺复兴》的结束,<----是开始而不是结束,,,,,,,第二次(机器--我认为)复兴的本质是人类成为机器的无限增加并可不断再生的能量来源,人类为机器服务This is the very essence of the Second Renaissance.,(第一次机器复兴是太阳能为机器的能量来源--我猜的--但机器仍为人类服务;或者第一次文艺复兴是以人性从宗教压抑中回归为起点,则第二次文艺复兴是以AI从人类压制中崛起为标志)
5.A case to end all cases <----not“尘归尘,土归土”, it's a thing that is large enough to contain all the complicated stuff inside it and that gives answer all the questions or accomplishes all tasks given."尘归尘,土归土" is "soil to soil, dust to dust" 一劳永逸 is hunter's translation and i think it's better then direct translation
6.艾丽丝漫游仙境,是这部动画的一个Keyword<----watch the translated version and u will knew it's the second story about Alice named" Through the looking glass and Alice found" which is as twin story of "alice in the wonderland" and seldomly published in other language since it's less famous and contain something notsuitable for children(seems it's very common for those children story in the past, all we read is edited version suitable for children '_' ) the detail i won't tell more, just watch anime urself ba
7.明显粗糙化的画面和旧化的色彩,塑造了一个有着浓重英国气息的世界。<-----new york central station......尽管艾丽丝漫游仙境2是英国故事,纽约中央车站是美国啊,只不过旧一点,古典一些,比较像古老的英国约克车站(所以是新的约克嘛 ^^)
8.天生的自省(a questioning nature.)not self-questioning 啊,怀疑一切的天性
9.自动防卫系统(self-defense mechanism).....自我防护机制
btw,Matriculated 的女主角并不能接受由机器人来选择救助人类或消灭人类的观点,这也是她拒绝帮助的可能原因