1) Mizuki Nana, Fate's character voice, joked in an interview : "Fate-chan is a prince!" (フェイトちゃんは王子様!)
2) Tsuzuki is the original writer of the Triangle Heart and Nanoha series.
Interview from MAGAZINEアニメディア 2007.11
Q : Are you more like a papa or mama to Vivio?
A (Fate) : I'm supposed to be a mama, but people have told me that I'm more like a papa. Hmm.... Why?
Q : After the last episode, what is the living status of Vivio with Nanoha and Fate?
A (Tsuzuki) : Vivio has to go to school, so she lives with Nahoha and frequently keeps in contact with Fate-mama, as often as calling the father who is working away from home, with a video communication tool.
3) Interview from MAGAZINEアニメディア 2007.6
Tamura Yukari - Nanoha's character voice.
Mizuki Nana - Fate's character voice.
Q : How will the loving relationship of Nanoha and Fate develop after ten years?
Imagine: A decade has past and both of them have transformed into the position of protectors, so try to imagine what they will be after next decade.
A (Tamura) : Nanoha will retire and become a housewife. Maybe, haha. Rather, I hope that she'd be a housewife with the husband being.... Fate.
(Mizuki) : I think Fate is still going to work hard in her present career.
(Tamura) : I will be waiting for you back at home. Fight on! Papa!
(Mizuki) : I will try hard as the breadwinner of the family. The salary is likely to increase by then, even if the both of us don't go to work. I have confidence that I can feed the whole household by myself, haha. So you just need to concentrate on taking good care of the family.
(Tamura) : I will prepare a good dinner for you when you get off work, with the baby inside me. And the... Really masculine smile...