BIG-O (陆战型)
Machine Gun (★★)魔神机炮
Missiles (★★★)魔神飞弹
hip chains (★★★)魔神钢链
eye lasers (★★★)魔神镭射
Piston (★★★★)魔神超压拳
Chromebuster-Cannon (★★★★★)魔神眩光炮
O thunder (★★★★★★) 魔神雷火炮
plasma ball (★★★★★★★)魔神电光球
F???? S???? (?) 魔神超级聚能炮
Eye Lasers (★★★)魔神镭射
Gattling Missiles (★★★)魔神飞弹
Megaton Missiles(★★★★★★)
Eye Lasers (★★★★)
(Driller arm)……
Grinder (★★★★) 魔神碎击拳……
(Stalk) Laser(★★★★)魔神散光炮
Heavy Laser Canon (★★★★★★)魔神重光炮
Big-O vs. Big-Fau = Behemoth vs. Leviathan.
Big-O, Duo, Fau
Land, Air, Sea
Army, Air Force, Marines/Navy
Big-O is the only uncompremised design in it being made purely for land combat. It has only the one propulsion system (legs), the space that would be taken by a propeller system is filled by weapons, the mass that would have to be removed for flight is taken by armor.
Big-Duo, however, needs to fly, so it is lighter and carries fewer weapons in the form of missles, etc.
Big-Fau, is for sea combat. Those spinning cuffs act like screw propellers in the water, and the head acts like a hull extension, braking the water ahead of the hull. The two laser devices on those stalks act like turrets for when it is in the water, because it has to stay horizontal while moving in water, I imagine. Big- Fau is also a compremised design, like Big-Duo, but since it is a sea vehicle it can be made as heavy as Big-O but it can't hold as many weapons because it needs the two propulsion systems just like Big-Duo, both use propellers(in their different forms) and legs