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引用 最初由 疾风の狼 发布11区的愤和天朝的愤都一回事,只会放一些不负责的嘴炮而已,内容和用词都一样,只是称呼不同而已。有时真想把11区的愤和天朝的愤都集中起来,扔到一间屋子里,叫他们对骂对掐去好了,外面安排座椅卖茶水收票
引用 最初由 yoo 发布如果他之前不是通过自己国内的司法程序来处理这个事情,TG估计根本没心情管这个,触红线的是他自己,可从现在他找山姆爸爸出山的情况来看,他压根没触红线的实力,做政客可以不要脸,可不能不掂量掂量自己吧,这不是有病是什么呢[/han]
引用 最初由 raiu_GL 发布这句话是说对了,如果不是“国内法”这三个字,TG哪有闲心为了个XX慢慢耗。从这件事上看得出来日本的外交人员确实很嫩,就算你想要钓鱼岛,也不是这么一来就把对方逼到底线,根本没有任何回转的余地,除非你是真准备好战争了。估计TG的高官们也很郁闷,一些重要的经济发展计划就被这么个莫名其妙冒出来的鸟事给耽搁了。前面花了那么多人力金钱时间去改善中日高层与民间关系,结果又打水漂了。真TMD当我们大家都很闲,有花不完的精力时间啊。我估计是日本那边的相关人员根本没意识到触红线了,因为他可能只看到钓鱼岛,但是中国除了钓鱼岛外,屁股后还跟着南沙群岛,西沙群岛,甚至包括台湾与西藏,想不强硬都不行,主权问题上只要被人看扁一次,后患无穷。其实中国对日本已经留了相当大的余地了,大家可以看到TG高层的最高要求一直都只是“放人”,并未直接对日本要求过归还领土主权啥的。TG高层的想法估计就是从大局出放,维持现状,毕竟相比于钓鱼岛的主权冲突,中日间还有极大的共同利益存在,可以理解。不过这件事的处理上由于日本外交手法的拙劣,给两国都留下了后患。中国这边有了个“国内法”的先例,日本那边有了个“缩X”的先例,而民间关系在一段时间内恐怕都难恢复。嘛,看样子是事情告一段落了,政治交给政治家去处理,偶们P民还是享受动漫吧。
引用 我说的不会有错,有错的话只是你的理解力还不够。。。
引用 最初由 sin__lust 发布经济学人是美国人的网站,虽然留言的美国人没几个,但是看的可不少,尤其是知识分子。中国人在那里还是很会装的,相比而下印度人每次都出丑,日本人这次算是让美国人再看清了一遍当初炸的都是什么货............来个具代表性的Moby007 wrote: Sep 24th 2010 8:47 GMT .Japan is so weak right now. If China can bully Japan around like they did, Japan will lose all face in Asia and the world.So what if China does not sell Japan any more rare earth minerals, Japan can find other countries.And so what if Chinese tourist does not visit Japan. Who needs or really wants their money after what they done.I would rather stick to my principles. And Japan should have done this too.If someone rams my company's delivery truck and then threatens to boycott my company if I don't let them go, I would say so what and call the police to throw the punk in jail.And if China wants to take hostages, let them. This would allow the world to see what a bunch of scum bags the Chinese really are. Shame on Japan and the Japanese Government for backing down. Japan needs to start standing up for their rights.Japan needs to up their game and start militarizing. We all know they are capable of developing a highly advanced and powerful military apparatus. And the US could use a militarized Japan right now. Most of the free world saw how China beat, shot and killed innocent Tibetian monks protesting China during the Olympics. We all know how China invaded Tibet and stole their land. China is Communist Dictorship and they are proving this more and more. Like any other dictator, the Chinese Communist dictatorship thinks just because they can bully their own people, they can do this to everyone. The Chinese better learn fast that they live in a democratic world and people of the free world will not allow China to act like a bully. Japan is not the only country that has land disputes with China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines are already fighting China and trying to stop China from claiming islands that belong to all these countries. See http://asiancorrespondent.com/breakingnews/china-knocks-us-asean-stateme...But the time will come when China will over step itself and find itself surrounded by neighbors that China has wronged. And when this time comes. Watch out China.China thinks they are "It" right now. They are making tons of money on cheap labor and cheap products.But as history has shown too, China is a paper Tiger. For most recent evidence of this, one only has to look at how the Chinese threatened the US when we announced we would be running naval exercises in the Sea of China. But after all their threats, the Chinese crawled back into their holes with their tails between their legs after the US went ahead of their naval exercises right in China's backyard.China can enjoy this little victory with Japan right now, but little do they know how short their success will be if they keep screwing with the free world.
引用 最初由 风无韵 发布的确是这样,完全双输,美国爸爸种下的种子开了花,真正乐于看到中日互掐这局面的是谁真是一目了然。某悲观砖家预测,两国人民感情10年内难以修复。从长远和大局上来说,11区这个俩月一换的ZF实在是嫩了点。:p
引用 最初由 Aura 发布景德镇是最大的输家无疑[/han] 不过11区就算输了也只是小负菅直人顺利的利用民意击倒了小泽,避免了一年换三个首相的史无前例壮举只要他不犯错不辞职,至少保证了自己能在首相这个位子上坐上两年爸爸也私下承诺了把钓鱼岛划入日美安保条约范围内希拉里公开场合否认倒像是在耍傲娇,毕竟公开宣布的话只会让景德镇暴走[/han] 至于在华投资中日友好之类的,只要景德镇拿回了面子,什么都会主动奉上,11区怕啥;)
引用 最初由 Arya 发布天朝又输了?快去2ch庆祝,让那群ff知道自己多么浅薄