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天然铀矿中从来不缺U235!!! 无知者无畏,您的理解不知是怎样的。
PS:你给的链接我今天才看,以前忽视了,对不起。不过它不是美国国家实验室的科学家写的,而是一个15岁的中学生。此外不知道这段“Since Uranium is a very heavy element, heavier than lead, it is also used in artillery shells. The army would put U238 in the front of a shell and shoot the shell out of a tank or airplane, at the enemy tank. The uranium in this case has been processed so as to not have very much at all of U235 left in it, hopefully pure U238. So then the shell would not be radioactive. There is some controversy as to whether they do a good job of this, and there are concerns that these shells spread radioactive uranium (U235) around.”你怎么看,尤其是那句“The uranium in this case has been processed so as to not have very much at all of U235 left in it, hopefully pure U238. So then the shell would not be radioactive”?贫铀是U238与是否直接从天然铀中获得还是从核废料中获得没有直接关系。U238不参与链式反应,核燃料只是稍微提高U235的质量百分比,核废料中自然仍然存在U238。