Lum's name, character and...ahem, proportions were mostly based upon Agnes Lum, a Sino-American bikini supermodel who was popular in Japan during the mid-1970's. She was well known as a spokesperson appearing in many TV commercials, usually wearing bikinis. She came to symbolize the ideal of feminine beauty of 70's Japan much like Namie Amuro did in the late 90's or Ayumi Hamasaki does for today's Japan, causing many women to hope to emulate her tanned and voluptuous look. Much healthier looking than the emaciated look that has become the ideal of today's Japan. She since settled down in Hawaii got married and has raised a family, but she still makes apperances from time to time. Even though her heyday was over 25 years ago, In Japan, her old photobooks still sell pretty well among the newer idol books.