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[转载][英文] RealVideo 10 Codec Property (编码属性)

级别: 新手上路
转载自 Doom 9

这是一篇介绍关于 Real producer 9/10 命令行模式的文章, 如果你对命令行模式并不感兴趣, 或者你更希望使用GUI, 你可以不必麻烦观看下文 .. 有空翻译 .. n 长 n 长 .. 关于如何写一个 job file, 请参考
虽然里面的一些东西已经过时, 不过可以作为参考来进行


Originally posted by karl_lillevold
I wrote the following documentation for all the existing RealVideo 9/10 encoder codecProperties (and a macro to convert from Wiki to vBulletin), so here we go:


To use these options, include the following in the
videoStream section of the audience:
  1. setting


All the options also have their corresponding registry
equivalent. The registry settings are meant as an
alternative to enable features when using GUIs that do
not (yet, or will ever) support some or all the custom features.
For instance, when a new codec is used in GUI Helix Producer,
Adobe Premiere, or Vegas Video, neither of which supports
custom codec options. If you edit your audiences by hand anyway,
or use a GUI that supports the custom options you would like to
use, you do not need registry settings at all.

The location is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RealNetworks\RV9.
For type="uint", use DWORD. Remember to use convert between
decimal and hex. For type="bool" also use DWORD, where 1 is
true, and 0 is false. For type='string' use String. An
example registry file would for instance be:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Encoder general options



Set encoder complexity. This over-rides the setting passed
in from Producer.

100: Very High (95-100)
90 : High (85-94) ** Recommended
80 : Medium-High (78-84) ** 2nd Recommended
70 : Medium (70-77)
60 : Low (60-69)
50 : Very Low (50-59)

Default: 85



Set encoder complexity to use for 1st pass in a 2-pass encode.

Default: Normally 65, or 50 when new
vbrUnconstrainedBitrate *) rate control is used.
*): This corresponds to the new rcEnableCurveCompression described below.



Force codec to use a certain packet (slice) size. Any number
can be specified, but larger than 16000 is not going to be
decodable by RealOne V2 and older, due to a bug in
interpreting the RM information.

Default : passed in from Producer (15000 for VBR with
bitrate greater than 450 kbps, otherwise 1352 or lower,
depending on bitrate)



Enable or disable PSNR and other information being printed
in the rv9log.txt file

Default : false



Enable or disable the use of RPR (Reference Picture
Resampling) in the codec. Sometimes it may be desirable to
have the codec encode at the native resolution, no matter
how low the bitrate is. One good example is screen capture
video clips.

Default : true



Enable or disable the insertion of key frames at scene
changes. Since the encoder will have to re-encode the whole
frame, when it detects a scene change, this can be CPU
intensive for very high action sequences with frequent scene

Default : true, unless in Live mode under CPU duress.



Enable or disable the noisy edge filter, i.e. the filter
that corrects single or double lines along the edge of the
video, resulting from bad capture or crop settings. The
noisy edge filter is bad for PSNR).

Default : true, unless calcPSNR is enabled.



Enable or disable the use of threads in the encoder.

Default : use threads when more than one CPU, virtual or
real, is available.



The encoder will save its reconstructed frames as
uncompressed I420. Will create and write an AVI file, if the
filename has .avi extension. This corresponds to the frames
shown in the "preview" window of the GUI RealProducer.

Default: off



Normally the encoder does not inloop B frames accurately,
since these are not used for future prediction. However,
with this option set to true, the frames will be inloop
deblocked just like the player/decoder will do.

Default: false

New Rate Control Options



Enables new curve compression based rate control This
disables all other RC modes, MSL and maxBitrate ignored
Still, include maxBitrate and MSL; needed for stream

The new RC's goal is constant quality throughout the encode.
It works great at high bitrates, and is much more accurate
than the old rate control. For low bitrates, until more
advanced parameters are added, the old rate control, or an
external scaler is recommended. Specifically useful for low
bitrates would have been High bitrate scenes degradation (%)
and Low bitrate scenes improvement (%). These are not yet

Also, this constant quality is not the best solution for
highest overall or average PSNR. For my sample test clip, I
got a reduction of 0.3 dB average PSNR, but 6.5 dB better
minimum PSNR, corresponding to a huge visual improvement
When above params are added and used, this will help avg

Other news about this RC, is that it allows 1st pass to be
run at the lowest possible complexity (50), with inloop
filter off This makes the 1st pass run even faster than

Since the analysis file is the same format as XviD uses, it
can be read, plotted, and analyzed with some of the same
tools. External scaler tools can be used as well Finally,
with this new RC, the 2nd pass can be re-run at different
target bitrates than the 1st pass.

WARNING: This rate control works only in 2-pass mode.
If you enable rcEnableCurveCompression, and run
a 1-pass encode, the encoder will run the 1st pass of
a 2-pass encode, and you will end up with a very large
output file. If you like, you can then run the 2nd
pass separately, using the rcPassNumber option below.



First pass analysis file, ASCII text, same format as XviD
This is possible, since all it contains are: frame types,
quants, MBs, frame sizes, (scalable and un-scalable part)
Can be read by XviD stats analysis tools, like this one :
An external scaler would add a last column (desired frame
size) The binary .stats format is not supported



Rate control log file from 2nd pass Useful only if problems
occur, and for the curious



Target filesize is kilobytes for /VIDEO ONLY/, over-rides
target bitrate If this option is used, rcSourceFrameRate is
not needed



Boost keyframes by rcKeyFrameBoost %



Reduce larger than average frames by rcHighBitrateReduce %
Usually good for average PSNR, and/or low/medium bitrate
streams, where the largest frames cost too many bits
compared to the PSNR achieved



Boost smaller than average frames by rcLowBitrateBoost %



Specify pass # to run, requires cmd line -dt or jobfile
enableTwoPass to 'false'. 2nd pass can be re-run with any
target bitrate changes, other parameters should be the same
When pass #1 is run by itself, Producer will appear to be
encoding normally, and also output a large RMVB, but it will
also output .pass file correctly.

Default: not used for 2-pass encodes.

Reference Quantizers


Quantizers to use for the 1st pass reference encoding Range
[0-30] Leave alone unless you know what you are doing Quants
do not correspond to MPEG-4 quants and do not scale the same
way either.

RC fine tuning


B Frames Control



Leave B frame adaptivity ON, but sets the max number of B frames Only 3, 1, and
0 are allowed, due to current impl. restriction

Inloop filter options



Inloop filter is turned off below this quant. Set to 0 to
always use inloop (this is the default, but in reality, the
default level is around 9 Set to 31, to completely disable
inloop postfilter When quant is below the threshold, the
encoder will skip the inloop filter, and put a bit in the
bitstream so the decoder will do the same. Use with caution
for low to medium bitrates. No inloop will lower PSNR as
well These quants do not correspond to MPEG-4 quants

Default: 0



Make bitstream 100% compatible with earlier*) decoders What
this means is that /key/frames will always be inloop
filtered with the default quant threshold. This is a bug in
old decoders, they always inloop filter keyframes. When set
to false, the threshold applies to all frame types. When an
old decoder tries to decode such a bitstream there will be a
very minor decoder mismatch, in most cases not visible. *:
RV8/9/10 decoders prior to RealPlayer 10 Gold

Default: false



If true, the threshold to enable the inloop filter for B
frames, will use the reference frame's quant. If false, the B
frame's quant is used.

Default: false

Inloop defaults for 'Sharp' setting in latest Producer

inloopCutOffQuant = 10
inloopCutOffCompatible = false
inloopCutOffBUseRefQuant = true

Originally posted by karl_lillevold
Options rarely needed any more



This parameter sets the number of discardable frames (B
frames) to be encoded in between each non-discardable (P or
I) frame. The pattern will then be fixed and non-adaptive.
For adaptive number of B frames, use maxConsecutiveBFrames,
as described above.

Default: adaptive, when property is not present.



This parameter sets the quantization scaling factor for the
discardable frames, compared to the P/I frames. 0 means same
quantization. Ignored when used with
vbrUnconstrainedBitrate 2-pass rate control.

Default: adaptive, when property is not present.



If source != 30fps, this is temporarily needed, due to a bug
in Producer which sends the wrong framerate to the codec,
which needs the framerate to calculate target file size,
from bitrate Note that this param is an integer: fps * 1000
No longer needed in latest Producer.

Separable 2-pass with old rate control



Use extension .rva for the filename. Run producer in normal
2-pass mode. Now you can CTRL-C out of the 2nd pass, or let
it finish normally. In any case, you can then view
MyAnalysisFile.rva in the current directory, and
potentially edit it. Currently I would suggest only to touch
MinSuggestedQP, MaxSuggestedQP, and NumBFrames, or just
view the file out of curiosity. I have not tested any
changes to this file, so anything may happen. The same
applies if you change any other settings between the two
passes, for instance pre-filters or bitrates.

The default filename for the analysis file is
ENCsomerandomstring.rva. This can be renamed and/or used for
the 2nd pass as well, even if you did not specify a
FirstPassFile option. In production build codecs, this file
is stored in the $TEMP directory, or producer's tmp
directory, and needs to be copied to another filename before
Producer finishes the 2nd pass, or you press CTRL-C to exit
the 2nd pass.



Now encode with the '-dt' option to disable 2-pass. Include
filename extension .rva. If you do not add the -dt option,
producer will run two passes as it normally would, but with
a wasted 1st pass. The reason this is necessary, is that
this separable encoding mechanism is implemented in the
codec itself, without producer knowing about it.

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