真够呛……codename中文完了换日文= =||这些codename真是够有个性的~呵呵
XviD-1.0-RC4-05042004.exe (579kb) Codename Hola!
- Improved bitrate calculator
- Decoder clips motion to valid range, so that it doesn't crash if bitstream is broken
- Decoder supplies quantizer information for external postprocessing (used by ffdshow)
- Decoder fixes in GMC - DivX5 GMC-ed clips weren't decoded right, also 2-point GMC
- Fixed problems caused by wrong cooperation of bframes and frame dropping code
- VfW GUI looks better on asian windows now
- Memory leak when using multiple instances fixed
- Minor fixes for VfW GUI
-> IMPORTANT: we need proper feedback and testing now - we want 1.0 to be final soon!
2.修正了bf和frame drop的配合问题(一般没人会用frame drop吧- -||)
4.修正使用multiple instances时内存溢出(Memory leak,姑且翻译成“内存溢出”吧^^||)的问题。