* -hhigh quality
Use some quality improvements. Encoding will be slower, but the result will be of higher quality. The behaviour is the same as the -q2 switch.
This switch is always enabled when using VBR.
* -q 0..9algorithm quality selection
Bitrate is of course the main influence on quality. The higher the bitrate, the higher the quality. But for a given bitrate, we have a choice of algorithms to determine the best scalefactors and huffman encoding (noise shaping).
-q 0: use slowest & best possible version of all algorithms. -q 0 and -q 1 are slow and may not produce significantly higher quality.
-q 2: recommended. Same as -h.
-q 5: default value. Good speed, reasonable quality.
-q 7: same as -f. Very fast, ok quality. (psycho acoustics are used for pre-echo & M/S, but no noise shaping is done.
-q 9: disables almost all algorithms including psy-model. poor quality.
看来看去…… 我觉得讨论这个问题,跟讨论“ape和320cbr哪个好?”或者“mpc没必要压Q10的吧?我觉得Q5已经很好了~” 同出一辙……