Slam Dunk OST Collection.torrentTV Animation SLAM DUNK Original Soundtrack
TV Animation SLAM DUNK Original Soundtrack ~Special TV Version~
SLAM DUNK Original Soundtrack 3 ['95 SUMMER]
SLAM DUNK Best Collection
SLAM DUNK Opening and Ending Theme Collection
SLAM DUNK Complete Vocal Collection ~TV Version~
All songs are encoded in FLAC.
Duplicate songs have been removed but are accounted for in the included m3u files.
Booklets are included (as JPEGs) for all except for the Theme Collection.
Responses to questions:
.calf files are NOT real files. They are text files. If you open them in any text editor, they will point you to the actual file. Alternatively, you can refer to the m3u file. Remember, dupes have been REMOVED. (calf = reverse(flac))
If you cannot play the .flac files and are in Windows:
Install the ogg codecs for windows:
http://www.illiminable.com/ogg/If you are using WinAmp, download the FLAC plugin for WinAmp.