今天扯点正经的.其实有关这个色彩空间问题,loli J自己早就有明确的说法:
[Color Space]
This option influences the color space conversion of display and AVI output.
Most MPEG-2 streams are based on YUV 4:2:0 format.
It's necessary to be converted to other popular format for display and edit.
YUV 4:2:0 -> YUV 4:2:2 -> {DirectDraw YUY2 Overlay} -> Huffyuv, MPEG-4, DV
YUV 4:2:0 -> YUV 4:2:2 -> YUV 4:4:4 -> RGB 24-bit -> {GDI Display} -> most codecs
The processing of [YUV 4:2:2] is much simple and faster than [RGB 24-bit].
However, it's not widely supported by video codecs and display cards.
这就是说,当初之所以搞出这么个设置,目的有二.如果系统里有directdraw YUY2 Overlay,那么使用422将使预览更快一些.同时,422和RGB也分别对应调用不同的编码器.
VFAPI is based on [RGB 24-bit] always (for maximum flexibility) no matter which option is selected.
所以,如果不是通过DVD2AVI的save AVI输出,那么如何选那个根本没区别.走vfapi是RGB,而走avs2.5decoder是YV12.在1.77版里仍旧存在这个选项,也许只是习惯使然,或者大规模删除代码怕出问题.但毕竟连jackei自己都早不用DVD2AVI直接输出了(写过那么多用TMPG和AU做IVTC的帖子),所以在1.9版几乎是新起炉灶时干脆取消了这个选项.