无安全问题 我爸爸的出生地 我妈妈的出生地 我的小学校名 我的中学校名 我最喜欢的运动 我最喜欢的歌曲 我最喜欢的电影 我最喜欢的颜色 自定义问题
引用 Panel 1 : Hey! Look! Kyon! My hair grew! I can make a ponytail! Hey! Look! Kyon! Ponytail!Panel 2 : Kyon! Look! My hair! Look! Please!Panel 3 : Oh, you can't hear me, I'm too far away. I'm Co-coming, coming, coming!Panel 4 : Oh no! Haruhi's gone completely out of her mind! And if she keeps subconsciously using her powers...Panel 1 : She could reorganise the world to make it into one in which the only beings are her and Kyon... But it would be a fake one that is completely under her control! Not the real one!Panel 2 : Such a world... would be like being all alone!Panel 3 : No! Suzumiya-san! Please stop! Get a hold of yourself!Panel 4 : (H) Let me...(M) Huh...?Panel 5 : Lemme go, bitch!No, she must be stopped.... She won't listen to me... And Kyon isn't acting like himself... Only one left who can stop her is... TSURUYA-SAN!!!Panel 1 : You gotta get Kyon back to normal! Haruhi's not feeling too good!Panel 2 : Huh? Mikuru? What's wrong with Harunyan-Panel 3 : Whaaa!?! Harunyan's hair Megas-grew!Panel 4 : Impossible... It grew that long in a blink of an eye... Then, that means Harunyan is...Not that I personally translated this, I just copy-pasted it from 4chan.