最初由 flyingsnow 发布
就是這個, 我一直覺的缺少的感覺就是如飛雪所說言語的力量.
語言是人類最大的武器, 原作中也可以感受到. 但是動畫版將其簡化太過, 令人感受不到原作的張力. (改編失敗!?)
我一直以為 24 集的長度能夠好好的將原作轉化成動畫. (畢竟已經刪掉太多東西了..) 但是這樣也讓我太心寒了.
以這種節奏應該在 5, 6 集就可以結束了, 除非 G 社有想要再加新的劇情. 否則我覺得這種編排方式大有問題.
唔... 8 也應該出現了, 讓我們拭目以待吧~
<第二次編輯>想知道為什麼巖窟的愛好者會如此的對第七集感冒嗎? 讓我貼原作的章節吧:
<已大幅刪減敘述部分, 只留下對話部分.
Chapter 52. Toxicology.
首先, 伯爵先製造一種已經認識對方的情境:
"Perhaps the count saw us in Italy," said Valentine timidly.
"Yes, in Italy; it was in Italy most probably," replied Monte Cristo; "you have travelled then in Italy, mademoiselle?"
然後敘述當時的細節, 來引維太太相信:
"I will assist your memory, madame," continued the count; "the day had been burning hot; you were waiting for horses, which were delayed in consequence of the festival. Mademoiselle was walking in the shade of the garden, and your son disappeared in pursuit of the peacock."
"And I caught it, mamma, don't you remember?" interposed Edward, "and I pulled three such beautiful feathers out of his tail."
至此, 維太太與伯爵已經有從陌生人進步到似曾相似的地步了. 然後由老爺爺的狀況來引出伯爵對藥物也有興趣.
"Alas, yes; the poor old gentleman is entirely helpless; the mind alone is still active in this human machine, and that is faint and flickering, like the light of a lamp about to expire. But excuse me, sir, for talking of our domestic misfortunes; I interrupted you at the moment when you were telling me that you were a skilful chemist."
進一步, 讓維太太了解伯爵對於毒藥也有興趣.
"No, madame, I did not say as much as that," replied the count with a smile; "quite the contrary. I have studied chemistry because, having determined to live in eastern climates I have been desirous of following the example of King Mithridates."
再來就是敘述伯爵對藥物的有一定程度的認知. 讓維太太有機會"討論"她希望與別人分享她的經驗(我覺得此段是伯爵利用維太太想要找人聊天的動機再加以利用) 讓維太太有機會詢問新的配方, 來醫治她自己的老毛病. 然後伯爵很慷慨的提供自己的秘密配方. <- 注意, 此處是治療的藥. 但是過量會致死.
最後, 伯爵給藥的一慕
..."They are indeed exquisite," he said; "but as they are necessarily submitted to the process of deglutition -- a function which it is frequently impossible for a fainting person to accomplish -- I prefer my own specific."
"Undoubtedly, and so should I prefer it, after the effects I have seen produced; but of course it is a secret, and I am not so indiscreet as to ask it of you."
"But I," said Monte Cristo, rising as he spoke -- "I am gallant enough to offer it you."
整篇對話都是以講故事的方法在進行, 而在最後加上伯爵的殷殷囑咐要小心用藥. 讀完的感受是
伯爵從頭到尾都是一位為了維太太身體病痛著想的紳士呀! <- 請允許我用驚嘆號
現在, 你也與我們一同唾棄第七集了嗎?