最初由 kksky 发布我和朋友玩时发现了一个画面,很是震惊,主要是不知道什么意思.(刚上初中,一些日文与英文看不懂)请教一下玩过犬夜叉游戏的,帮忙解答一下:就是这张图:
还有一段注释:There's GOTTA be something in the water...
Yes, I like him, but...
Something just isn't right!! (Um, no matter how much I want it to be right...) XD
(* note - A fangirl's dream, huh? 'Course, I was thinking, "Gah! Kagome is going to kick my ass!")
Oh that one,it's just that fansgirl really love Inuyasha and on the game,Inu-Chan said that "He LOVE HER" suddenly!!!(I mean the character she used right now)
So she said "Yes,I like him,but... " <---You know Inuyasha won't say anything like" he loves"' right???^^;;;
So "Something just isn't right" and the () was her opinion,if she was the character,she'd love to has Inuyasha as her BF^^ (Actually me too,hee hee hee^^;;;)
And the reason she said "Kagome's gonna kick her ass" because she's Inu/Kag fans and she feels like she stole Inuyasha from Kagome,so she Imagine as Kag-Chan jealous^^;;;
Oh yeah,after being confused of Inuyasha's weird action,Kag-Chan appeared and discovered that it's not Inuyasha!!!It's a pig Yokaii likes that girl and took Inuyasha's form to say that^^;;;
Ahaha,sorry about that I couldn't type English,but that's what happened on the game