videomixer9 的发言,感觉是不是太过激动了:
What do I have from Chinese stealing our stuff producing it cheaper themselves, only unemployment here at our cost. And western companies are pretty pissed off doing buisness with chinese. The general opinion about China is deep down below, they only want their cheap work and their money, the stealing of technology pisses them plenty, and they'll only look away for the time they can still make profits without too much loses by cheap copies. But international pressure on China. Honestly I wish China the worst possible, their stuff is only cheap cause it's pirated, they enslave their workers and they disregard anything about ecology.
China is just a big fat country full of assholes without innovations that just copy anything and use the large market to pressure companies to get their stuff stolen for some profits, this will end pretty soon when Chinese stole the last things too and produce it as copies and noone will buy originals anymore. Not even talking about all the communist bullshit.
Copycats may rot in hell. The Chinese copy everything policy pisses me off enough, only bunch of losers need to copy. But in China they seem to not even see that when you kill off profits for innovating companies, you cannot copy them anymore and your all so smart "let others innovate and copy it for free" concept will not work anymore. Of course all the chinese companies that don't need to pay for research produce cheapass with their slaves working in factories that do not need to fulfill strict regulations as in the civilized world. Only thing they do is to kill everything the workforce in Europe and the US fought for by doing cheap work. But most Chinese I know are selfish assholes anyways and here at university are plenty of them. Their english sucks ass, they behave like arrogant asses in general.
But back to the AVS standard: It is a public standard and companies holding patents that are used in this standard are involved in licensing talks. That includes all non-Chinese companies, and looking at you can see companies like Intel and Philips among others. Apart from that, patents involved in video coding are software/algorithm patents anyway, which have often shown to hinder innovation (like the JPEG-patent or the one-click-buy, see for better examples). True, there is a lot of technology in AVS that also can be found in other standards (mainly AVC), but the same patent holders get rewarded for this, only by another licensing body. The claim that the MPEG LA would put the money back in research and innovation is not true. They only distribute the money back to the patent holders, what they do with it is up to them. Same goes for the AVS consortium.