虽然 Blu-ray 和 HD-DVD 之间的大战还没有结束(目前看起来是 Blu-ray 领先),但科学家早就在实验新的可能技术了。第一候选人当然是已经上市的 InPhase 300GB 全像式存储系统,但毕竟全像式存储系统和以前的分层式盘片技术上差太多,向后兼容性可能会出问题,所以 Mempile 的这个 TeraDisc 还是有出头的可能性。
TeraDisc 的原理很简单 -- 多分几层。DVD 目前最多只分两层的原因,是 CD 和 DVD 背后的原理都是激光光的反射,所以双层盘片下面的那一层是一种半透明的物质,可以反射激光光(第一层的数据),也可以让激光光透过去读后面的数据。当层数愈多时,后面的资料就会被挡在更多层的半透明物质之后,反射出来的激光光也就愈来愈微弱。TeraDisc 的解决方法是让整片盘片变透明的,激光光是直接打穿整片盘片在后方读取。虽然不太明白它是怎么分层的,但目前已在实验室做出 100 层、每层 5GB 的盘片,总容量 500GB。未来经过调校后,200 层的盘片,也就是 1TB 的容量应该也是可能的。
Mempile announced the next-generation optical storage technology with the release of the TeraDisc that boasts up to 1TB of storage capacity on a single platter. While it’s still in concept with an expected alpha testing to start in 12-18 months, the technology shows a ton of promise. It was recently demonstrated in Japan and Mempile was able to record and read over 100 virtual layers on a single optical disc the size of a DVD.
The technology isn’t expected to hit the consumer market until 2010, but the thought of recording 1TB on one disc is pretty amazing. The initial consumer discs will be around 500GB, but the technology is there and once consumers embrace the new discs it won’t be long before we see the high-capacity discs hit the market.
I briefly spoke to Beth Erez, EVP and Chief Marketing Officer for Mempile and what I learned left me wishing I didn’t have to wait till 2010. The technology behind the high-capacity disc is pretty hot, too, if you’re into that sort of thing.
Mempile’s volumetric high-capacity solution is based on advanced materials technology, implemented to create an optical media with unique light-sensitive properties. Mempile has developed a molecule (a chromophore) that interacts with light through the nonlinear optical process of two-photon absorption and is capable of switching between two distinct states upon application of light.
Nonlinear effects are characterized by a very strong dependence on local laser intensity. Thus, when focusing light within Mempile’s material, only the volume that is in the vicinity of the focal point will interact with the laser. Areas above and below the focal point are transparent to, and have almost no interaction with, the laser. This depth-focusing characteristic enables the reading and writing of data on numerous virtual layers within the bulk of the material, resulting in significantly increased data capacity.
Mempile’s solution has been designed from the ground up to utilize existing manufacturing methods and physical infrastructure. Its proprietary light-sensitive chromophore is specifically for volumetric storage purposes and is easily and cost-effectively synthesized to create a polymer from which optical media are manufactured. The technology has similarly been developed to be easily integrated into network storage solutions as the third-tier archiving component.
Mempile Stakes Position in Consumer Optical Storage Market